The longest debate of all time in copywriting

And I solved it with one question

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The longest debate of all time in copywriting.

I call them the copy purists.

People who think that copywriting should be either short or long.

And I get the points from both sides.

Those who think copywriting should be short think so for two reasons:

1. People have stuffed their attention spans down their pants because they don’t want to read more than two sentences

2. If someone knows what they really want, they hardly need convincing hence no need for a long copy

Those who think copywriting should be long want to make sure that nothing is left on the table hence the length


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Both sides have valid arguments but the problem is that they don't think dynamically like you and I do.

The question shouldn't be focused on the length of the copy.

It should be what is required of this copy to convert.

When you think like this, you consider the "whom" behind who is reading the copy.

Which makes all the difference.

For example.

Let's say you want to make it big in the weight loss industry.

You don't want to be among the noise.

The first you do is figure out what mechanisms are out there in the market.

For example.

-Going to the gym to burn calories is a mechanism.

-Taking pills that target certain hormones that help reduce fat is a mechanism.

-Intermittent fasting is a mechanism. 

-Even removing fat aka surgery is a mechanism.

Now you have to find out how you can differentiate your product from them.

Let's say you made a formula that instantly uses heat generated by the body to target fat cells.

That's your unique mechanism/selling point.

There are relevant questions we need to ask and address in the copy about this unique mechanism.

1. How intense is this body heat?

-Is it too hot that it burns other important structures like tendons, ligaments, and muscles?

-Does it burn fat that makes a difference on a macro level?

2. How many times are we required to take this formula?

3. What is the best time to take this formula?

4. Is it safe for all ages?

5. Does it have any side effects? If so, how do we address it?

These are only questions about the unique mechanism.

Now we need to decide what audience we are going after, and what type they are(Cold, warm, or hot)

And craft the perfect message that describes their situation.

For example:

 Young women with kids:

-Want to look good for their husbands.

-Want to feel desired by other men.

-Don't want to die and miss important events of their grandkids.

Young women without kids:

- Want to be sexually attractive that their bodies give them access to high-value men

Young men in their twenties:

-Sees weight loss as a means of feeling a purpose and direction in their lives.

-Want girls to look at them with intense lust in their eyes.

Then we need to find what core emotions like shame, guilt, lust, and anger the copy is going to be centered around.

We haven't even gotten likely objections like:

1. What if they have tried all other new mechanisms before and it didn't work out, how do we convince them this will?

2. Will this fat-burning formula work for all sizes? If so, to what degree?

I would go on and on about different parts of the copy we haven't even talked about but you get the point.

The only question that should be left in your customer's mind while reading your copy is...

Where do I get my hands on this product?

Regardless of whether it is short or long.

That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Because if you have ever sold anything online, something as simple as adding a guarantee or changing the headline. can boost your conversion by 25-40%.

I know. People are weird buyers.

So the next time you want to write copy, remember to ask yourself.

What is required of this copy for it to convert?

Stay hungry and delicious as always.

- Andy

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