Please read before accepting another low-paying client...

The Uno Reverse way to $10k clients

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6'3" and as sturdy as a plastic straw...

Jason here.

Back in high school, a strong gust of wind could’ve knocked me over.

Going to an all-boys school didn't help my dating life either.

Back then…

I was so desperate for attention that when a girl actually talked to me?

I'd have married her on the spot.

(Thank goodness my dating game improved with age...)

But watching folks chase clients?

It reminds me of teenage-Jason at the school dance.

Just grateful for ANY attention.

Taking whatever comes along.

Even when they KNOW they can make a business more money.

But I’ve found landing high-paying clients gets waaaay easier…

When you play the Uno reverse card in your brain.

What if instead of being grateful for any work...

YOU had $10,000 to invest in THEM?

Because when put to their Highest and Best Use…

Your copywriting skills are worth FAR beyond that.

Travis talks about this all the time in our Royalty Ronin group.

It takes a different kind of mindset.

Would you throw $10k at any random business?

Would you invest in a company just because they "let" you?

Would you hand over your money to someone who doesn't respect your time?


You'd vet them like an investor:

  • Is the business sound?

  • Do they have real customers?

  • Can they actually deliver?

But the minute someone dangles a project in front of us...

We turn into teenage-Jason at the dance.

Next Wednesday, I'm sharing how we land better clients without taking orders.

It’s often the same amount of copywriting or LESS

With a lot less stress and more moolah.

But if you could take a quick sec to help me help you?

I’d like to know what would be most useful for ya…

Please take 1 second and give one of these a tap.

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In Your Corner,


P.S. Don’t know if collecting recurring payments without simping for clients interests you…

If that tickles your fancy…

While most copywriters would give their left arm to make $5k a week…

Marcus just shared the “lazy man’s way” to $5k a day inside.

With the help of AI and a little bit of leverage…

You could make a nice little living following his advice.


or to participate.